Hello Don Mills members:

Happy Victoria Day long weekend!

Some Updates and Reminders on Court Reserve:

As in the past, each member is allowed to book a maximum of 4 hours of court time per rolling 7 days. These rolling 7 days will refresh at 7 am each day.

Please remember to book all the correct names to those who are playing on your court. If you are two, or if you are four playing, all four names must show on the booking. We understand that sometimes you have 3 people confirmed and are waiting on the 4th but all 4 names MUST be on Court Reserve before the start of play. If you have reached your maximum of 4 hours and you want to play, then you must delete one of your advanced bookings.

When a monitor is on duty, you must check-in with the monitor as they are responsible for making sure all members adhere to these rules and will be noting any misuse of the Court Reserve policy. Misuse of the Court Reserve policy may lead to a loss of booking privileges or even the loss of membership.

Even when a monitor is not on duty, proper booking is encouraged, as there are several board executives around who can and will note any misuse of the Court Reserve policy.

Also, please remember to cancel your booking with as much lead time as possible. Courts are busy and many members are trying to book courts, so please do your part so that all members have a chance to play.

Hybrid Format with Tag-up.
Friday Evenings starting at 7 pm.

To allow members to play without a pre-scheduled court booked and for new members to meet other tennis players, starting Friday, May 26 we will be implementing a Hybrid model on Friday evenings starting at 7 pm. Hybrid means we will be reserving 4 courts (3,4,5,6) for Doubles tag-up tennis and members can tag-up for courts using the tag board displayed inside the tennis club (as we used to in the old days before Covid).

The following rules will apply:

  • Times will not count toward any online Court Reserve booking allowances
  • The playing time is 45 minutes. Courts will have staggered time starts.
  • Members must be physically at the club to tag-up – at least 5-10 minutes prior
  • Once your 45 minutes is finished, members must leave the court to tag-up for an additional timeslot i.e. no back-to-back playing unless it’s not full
  • Members participating in tag-up must not have a court booked on Court Reserve immediately prior to, during, or after participating
  • The objective is for Doubles play, but Singles are allowed if no members are available to play doubles.
  • Monitors are responsible for the smooth operation of the tagging board.

Thank you
Don Mills Tennis Club Executive